My name is Gian Prakash,
I’ve been living in Germany for 40 years by profession, I’m a physiotherapist and podiatrist, I have my own practice with a few therapists. I’ve been married for 40 years and have 4 children, all of them live in Germany. My plan had been to do something of a charitable nature for 25 years, but it always failed because of a lack of partners. Now I hope that I have the right partner on my side, for which I am incredibly grateful. Everyone thinks at some point what they have achieved in their life, sooner or later, with me it is the case that I will do it later. However, I hope it is not too late. Whenever you want to take part in it, join me today and support your thoughts with me.

Mr. Rakesh Kumar Tushir

My name is R.K. Tusshir, I was born and live in Janti Kalan Village. I am a professional manufacturer of small parts for e-rickshaws. I have a few employees in my factory. I am married and have 2 children. My wish has always been to do something of a community benefit, but I have always missed the right person. Since I got in touch with Mr. Gian Prakash, my thoughts have got a little more real ground, and so I am here today. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to help others. If you want to join in, do not hesitate to contact me.

My name is Sanjay Kumar and I am born and residing in Prashant Vihar, Delhi. By
profession I have been practicing. As lawyer in Supreme Court of India and other various courts of Delhi for the last about 18 years. I am married and have 2 children. My heart’s desire was.Always to do something charitable, but I always liked something, either the courage or the thought whether it would be good to do something charitable because I know the Indian mentality well. I took note of the “Juan foundation” association and spoke to the directors about it.
and found it to be excellent. As a lawyer, it is especially important to me that the money should only be used for the purposes of the association. I, as a lawyer, hereby confirm that I will dedicate myself to this association with my possibilities.

I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to help others. If you want to join in, do not hesitate and get in touch with me.

Sanjay Kumar

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